The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls in English Read online

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  It has also been advanced that the original nucleus of the Qumran Community, responsible for MMT, consisted of early or proto-Sadducees. However, one should bear in mind that the priests in this writing are never called sons of Zadok or Sadducees, but are referred to as sons of Aaron (cf. 4QSb (=4Q256) and 4QSd (4Q258) above, p. 118). The alleged Sadducee connection relies on three legal rules, out of a list of more than twenty, in MMT which represent opinions identical with the halakhah attributed in rabbinic literature to the Sadducees, and contrasted with the stance taken by the Pharisees (cf. mParah 5:4 and MMT B 13-17; mYad 4:7; mToh 8:9 and MMT B 55-8; mYad 4:6 and MMT B 72-4).

  The chief topics of controversy are (I) the calendar (if it is an integral part of the document); (2) ritual purity (acceptability of Gentile offerings, law on slaughter, the ‘red heifer’ ritual, exclusion of the blind and the deaf, law relating to lepers, purity of running liquids, fourth-year fruit and tithe of cattle, ban on dogs in Jerusalem, the law regulating contact with dead bodies); (3) marriage and intermarriage rules, and (4) decrees regulating entry into the congregation. MMT is particularly important as a source of ancient legal debate. It is unique among the Dead Sea Scrolls and foreshadows the halakhic process developed and practised by later rabbis.

  Instead of presenting a composite text, the translation will reflect actual manuscripts and follow their line numbering. If there are overlapping fragments, gaps in the main manuscript will be filled from the parallel text and the borrowing will appear between {}. However, to assist the reader who desires to consult the Qimron-Strugnell edition, the line numbers of their composite text are given in brackets. Unlike the editors, I have been economical with purely conjectural restorations of the many gaps. Obscurities in the translation therefore faithfully reflect the real status of the Hebrew original.

  For the editio princeps, see E. Qimron and J. Strugnell, Qumran Cave 4, V (DJD, X, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1994).


  (4Q394 1-2)

  (The fragmentary calendar is presented in five parallel columns which originally covered eighteen lines. Hence the end of the calendar at the top of 4Q394 3-7 i is listed as lines 19 to 21 by Qimron-Strugnell. Whether this calendar is part of the original MMT or is merely copied on the same scroll is uncertain.)

  I [On the sixteenth of it (of the second month): sabbath.]

  On the twenty-third of it: sabbath.

  [On] the thir[tie]th [of it: sabbath.

  On the seventh of the third month: sabbath.

  On the fourteenth of it: sabbath.

  On the fifteenth of it: Feast of Weeks.

  On the twenty-] II [f]irs[t] of it: sabbath.

  [On] the twenty-eighth of it: sabbath.

  The first of the sabbath (=Sunday), and the secon[d da]y (=Monday) [and the third are to be added.

  And the season is complete: ninety-one days.

  The first of the fourth month: Memorial day.

  On the fourth] III of it: [sabbath.]

  On the e[leventh] of it: sabbath.

  On the eighteenth of it: sabbath.

  On the twenty-fifth of it: sabbath.

  On the second of the fift[h] (month): [sa]bb[ath.

  On the third of it: Feast of Wine, first of sabbath (Sunday).]

  IV [On the ninth of it: sabbath.]

  On the sixteenth of it: sabbath.

  On the twenty-third of it: sabbath.

  [On the th]irtieth [of it: sabbath.

  On the seventh of the sixth (month): sabbath.

  On the fourteenth of it: sabbath.

  On the twenty-first] V of it: sabbath.

  On the twenty-second of it: Feast of Oil, fir[st of sab]bath (Sunday). Af[terwards]: offe[ring of Wood].

  4Q394 3-71 i

  (19) [The (twenty)-eighth of it (of the twelfth month)]: sabbath.

  The first [of the] s[abbath (=Sunday) and the second day (=Monday) and the third are to be ad]ded to it. (20) And the year is complete: three-hundred and si[xty-four] (21) days. vacat


  (4Q394 3-7 i conflated with 4Q395)

  (I) These are some of our teachings [ ] which are [ (2) the] works which w[e think and a]ll of them concern [ ] (3) and the purity of...

  [And concerning the offering of the wh]eat of the [Gentiles which they ...] (4) and they touch it ... and de[file it ... One should not accept anything] (5) from the wheat [of the Gen]tiles [and none of it is] to enter the Sanctuary.

  [And concerning] {the sacrifice} (4Q395) ... (6) which they cook in a vessel ... {in it} (4Q395) (7) the meat of their sacrifices and that they ... in the courtyar[d ...] {it} (4Q395) (8) with the broth of their sacrifice.

  And concerning the sacrifice of the Gentiles ... [we consider that] they {sacrifice} (4Q395) (9) to [an idol and] that is [like] a woman fornicating with him.

  ... {the sacrifice} (4Q395) (10) of peace-off[erings] which they postpone from one day to the next. But [it is written (cf. Lev. 7:15)] (II) that the meal-offe[ring] {is eaten} (4Q395) with the fat and the meat on the day of [their] being sacrifi[ced. For the sons] (12) of the priest[s] {are to take care of this matter} (4Q395) so as not to (13) burden the people with sin.

  {And concerning the purity of the heifer of the sin-offering) (4Q395), (14) he who slaughters it and he who burns it and he who collects {its ashes and he who sprinkles the} (4Q395) [water] (15) of purification - all these {are to be pure} (4Q395) at sunset (16) so that the pure shall sprinkle the impure. For the sons

  (4Q394 3-7 ii conflated with 4Q395)

  (17) {of Aaron are to be} (4Q395) ...

  And furthermore (18) [concerning the sk]ins of the cattle [and the sheep ... from] (19) their [skin]s vessel[s ... [they are not to (20) bring] them to the Sanctuary ...

  (4Q397 1-2 conflated with 4Q398 1-3)


  And furthermore concerning the skin[s and bones of unclean animals, they shall not make from their bones] and from their s[k]i(ns] (22) handles of v[essels and] ...

  And furthermore [concerning the s]kin of the carcass (23) of a clean [animal], he who carries their carcass shall not touch the [sacred] purity.

  (24) And concerning ... (25) ...

  (4Q394 3-7 ii conflated with 4Q397 3)

  [the sons of] (26) the pri[es]ts are to [be care]f[ul] regarding {all these matters} (4Q397 3) so as not (27) to burden the people with sin.

  [And concerning that which is written, [If a man slaughters in the camp or (28) slaughters] outside the camp an ox or a lamb or a goat (Lev. 7:13) for ... {on the northern side of the camp} (4Q397 3). (29) And we consider the Sanctuary [as the tent of meeting and Je]rusale[m] as (30) the {camp and out[side] the} (4Q397 3) camp [i.e. outside Jerusalem], that is the camp (31) of their towns. Outside the camp ... they bring out the ashes [(32) of the] altar and they burn ... For Jerusalem] is the place which (33) [He has chosen] {from all the tri[bes of Israel]} (4Q397 3) ...

  (4Q396 1-2 i conflated with 4Q394 8 iii and 4Q397 5)

  (35) ... they [do no]t slaughter in the Sanctuary.

  (36) [And concerning pregnant animals] {we consider} (4Q397 5) [that one should not sacrifice] the mother and the unborn young on the same day.

  (37) [And concerning eating, w]e consider that the unborn young (38) may be eaten ... (provided it has been slaughtered) ... [this is] so and the saying is written concerning a pregnant animal. vacat

  (39) [And concerning the Ammon]{ite and the Moabite} (4Q394 8 iii) and the {bastard} (4Q397 5) [and the man whose testicles] have been crushed [and one] whose penis [has been cut off] who enter (40) the congregation, [... and] they [ta]ke [wives so as to be] {one} (4Q397 5) bone (with them) ... (41)...

  (4Q394 8 iii conflated with 4Q396 1-2 i-ii and 4Q397 5)

  (42) {impurities.

  And furthermore we consider} (4Q397 5) (43) [that they should not ... and should not have intercour]se with them. (44) [... and they should] {not unite with them} (4Q397 5) so as to make them (45) [into one bone (46) ... that some of the
people ... (47) ... (48) {from all} (4Q397 5) (sexual) mingling (49) ... {and to be fearful of the Sanctuary} (4Q396 1-2 ii).

  (4Q396 1-2 ii)

  [And furthermore concerning] {the blind} (4Q394 8 iv) (50) who do not see how to beware of all mingl[ings]

  (4Q394 8 iv conflated with 4Q396 1-2 ii and 4Q397 6-13)

  (51) and do not see the minglings which entail guilt (offering). (52) And furthermore concerning the deaf who have not heard the decrees and judgements and purity (rules) and have not (53) heard the judgements of Israel - for he who has not seen and has not heard (them) does not (54) know how to practise (them); yet they come to the pure food of the Sanctuary. vacat

  (55) And furthermore concerning the pouring (of liquids), we say that it contains no (56) purity.

  And furthermore the pouring does not separate the impure (57) {from the pure} (4Q397 6-13) for the poured liquid and that in the receptacle are alike, (58) one liquid.

  And {dogs} (4Q397 6-13) are not to be brought to the sacred camp for (59) they may eat some of the bones from the Sanctua[ry] to which meat is still attached. For (60) Jerusalem is {the sacred camp} (4Q397 6-13) and is the place

  (4Q396 1-2 iii conflated with 4Q394 8 iv and 4Q397 6-13)

  (61) which He has chosen from all the tribes of Israel, for Jerusalem is the head (62) of the camps of Israel.

  And furthermore con[cerning the pl]anting of fruit trees planted (63) in the land of Israel, they are like {firstfruits} (4Q397 6-13) destined for the {priests} (4Q397 6-13)- {And the tithe} (4Q394 8 iv) of the cattle (64) and sheep is for the priests.

  And furthermore concerning the lepers, we (65) s[ay that they shall not c]ome (into contact) with the sacred pure food for {they shall be} (4Q397 6-13) separated (66) ...

  Furthermore it is written that from the time he (the leper) has shaved and washed, he shall stay outside (67) ... [for seven] days. And now while their impurity is with them ... [they shall not (68) come into contact w]ith the sacred pure food of the house. And you know (69) ... and it is concealed from him, he is to bring (70) {a sin-offering) (4Q397 6-13).

  [And concerning the person who does anything with a high hand it is writ]ten that he is one who despises and reviles (God) (cf. Num. xv, 30-31). (71) ... {impurities of leprosy} (4Q397 6-13), they are not to eat from the holy things

  (4Q396 1-2 iv conflated with 4Q397 6-13)

  (72) until the sun has set on the eighth day.

  And concerning [the impurities] (73) {of a man, we say that every} (4Q397 6-13) bone to which (74) flesh is or [is not] attached is to be treated according to the law of the dead or slain. vacat

  (75) And concerning fornication practised by the people, they should be s[ons of] holiness, (76) as it is written, {Israel} (4Q397 6-13) is holy (Jer. ii, 3).

  And concerning [his clea]n ani[mal], (77) it is written that it shall not be mated with a different kind.

  And concerning [his clothes], it is written that they shall [not (78) be of mixed] material.

  And he shall not sow his field and vine[yard with two kind]s. (79) For they are holy and the sons of Aaron are most h[oly]. (80) And you know that some of the priests and [the people mingle] (81) [and they] unite and defile the [holy] seed and also (82) their [seed] with whores f[or] ...

  (4Q397 14-21)

  (4) And concerning the wome[n ... violen]ce and betrayal ... (5) For in these ... [on account of] the violence and fornication they perish[ed ... ] (6) places.

  [And furthermore] it is written [in the Book of Moses that] You shall not bring an abominable thing in[to your house (cf. Deut. vii, 26) for] (7) an abominable thing is detestable.


  (4Q397 14-21 I followed by 4Q398)

  [And you know that] we have separated from the mass of the peo[ple] ... (8) and from mingling with them in these matters and from being in contact with them in these (matters). And you k[now that no] treachery or lie or evil (9) is found in our hands for we give for [these] th[e ...

  And furthermore] (10) we [have written] to you (sing.) that you should understand {the Book of Moses} (4Q398 14-17 i) and the Book[s of the Pr]ophets and Davi[d and all (11) the events] of every age. And in {the Book is written} (40398 14-17 i) ... not [for] (12) you {and the days of old} (40398 14-17 i).

  And furthermore it is written that [you will depart] from the w[a]y and that evil will befall you (cf. Deut. xxxi, 29). {And it is written} (40398 14-17 i),

  (4Q398 14-17 i)

  (13) And it (14) [shall come to pas]swhen all these {things} (4.Q39714-21) [be]fall you in the en[d] of days, the blessing (15) and the curse, [then you will call them to mind] and retu[rn to Him with a]ll your heart (16) and all your soul (Deut. xxx, 1-2) at the end of days. (17) [And it is written in the Book] of Moses and in the Boo[ks of the Prophet]s that there shall come ... (18) [and the blessings came]

  (4Q398 11-13)

  in the days of Solomon the son of David. And the curses (19) came from in the days of Jeroboam the son of Nebat (20) until Jerusalem and Zedekiah king of Judah were exiled that He will b[rin]g them to ... And we recognize that some of the blessings and curses which are (21) written in the B[ook of Mo]ses have come. And this is at the end of days when they will come back to Israel (22) for [ever] ... and shall not turn back-war [ds]. And the wicked shall act (23) wickedly and ...

  Remember the kings of Israel and understand their works that each of them who (24) feared [the To]rah was saved from troubles, and to those who were seekers of the Law, (25) their iniquities

  (4Q398 14-17 ii conflated with 4Q399)

  were [par]doned.

  Remember David, that he was a man of piety, and that (26) he was also saved from many troubles and pardoned.

  We have also written to you (sing.) concerning (27) some of the observances of the Law (miqsat ma‘ase ha-Torab), which we think are beneficial to you and your people. For [we have noticed] that (28) prudence and knowledge of the Law are with you.

  Understand all these (matters) and ask Him to straighten (29) your counsel and put you far away from thoughts of evil and the counsel of Belial. (30) Consequently, you will rejoice at the end of time when you discover that some of our sayings are true. (31) And it will be reckoned for you as righteousness when you perform what is right and good before Him, for your own good (32) and for that of Israel. vacat

  The Wicked and the Holy


  The first fragment of a document from Cave 4(4Q181), which its editor has left untitled, describes in a manner similar to Community Rule IV the respective destinies of the damned and the chosen. See J. M. Allegro and A. A. Anderson, DJD,V, 79-80; cf. J. Strugnell, RQ 7 (1970), 254-5; J. T. Milik, JJS 23 (1972), 114-18.

  ... for guilt with the congregation of his people, for it has wallowed in the sin of the sons of men; (and it was appointed) for great judgements and evil diseases in the flesh according to the mighty deeds of God and in accordance with their wickedness. In conformity with their congregation of uncleanness, (they are to be separated) as a community of wickedness until (wickedness) ends.

  In accordance with the mercies of God, according to His goodness and wonderful glory, He caused some of the sons of the world to draw near (Him) ... to be counted with Him in the com[munity of the ‘g]ods’ as a congregation of holiness in service for eternal life and (sharing) the lot of His holy ones ... each man according to his lot which He has cast for ... for eternal life ...

  4QHalakhah A


  Twenty-six severely damaged fragments, palaeographically dated to the late first century BCE, represent extracts from the Pentateuch with textual variations and exegetical paraphrases. The main topics are the Sabbath, compensation for injuries, firstfruits, the priest’s wife, forbidden marital unions, etc.

  For the editio princeps, see E. Larson, M. R. Lehman and L. Schiffman, DJD, XXXV, 25-51.

  Frs. 1-2

  ... and to draw water from a cistern ... the drawing ... [No] man shall take anything from his place on the Sabbath, [
from outside the house into it] or from the house outsi[de] ... for him to interpret and read in the Book on the [Sabba]th ...

  Frs. 4-7 i

  ... [Wh]en m[en] quarrel [and one stri]kes [his fellow with a stone or with his fist and the man does not] di[e but keeps] his [be]d, [then if the man rises again] and w[alks outside, he who injur]ed him is not guilty. Only [he shall pay for the loss of his time] and for his medical [treatment]. vacat

  [When a man strikes his slave, male or female] with a rod ... (cf. Exod. 21:18-20).

  Fr. 8

  [When a man strikes his slave, male or female,] in the eye [and destroys it, or if he knocks out the tooth of his slave, male or female, he shall free] him. He shall pay for the lo[ss of his time and for his medica]l treatment [for the sake of his eye or his tooth (cf. Exod. 21:26 combined with 21:19). When an ox gores a man or] a woman, the ox shall be killed and they will stone it [and its flesh shall not be eaten. But the owner of the ox will be not guilty. But if the ox has been accustomed to gore] in the past, and its owner has been warned but has not kept it in, and it has killed [a ma]n or a woman, [the ox shall be stoned and its owner also shall be put to death. If a ransom is laid upon him, then the man shall give ... (cf. Exod. 21:28-30).